So almost two years ago I started an experiment to see how well Micro Dwarf Tomatoes could be grown indoors and outdoors and which varieties produced and tasted the best: 2020.05.08: Micro Dwarf Tomato Experiment, Day 0. It turns out micro dwarf tomatoes can do spectacularly well indoors because here it is 642 days later (nearly 2 years) and I’m still harvesting lots of tomatoes! I think only a few of the 10 original varieties I planted are still around and kicking and we’ve been through two spider mite and one white fly infestations (resolved with the help of beneficial insects).

The coolest thing about these tomatoes is I haven’t even really tried to keep them alive, they just kinda sit in my office. I’ve mostly just kept watering them, periodically throwing some Miracle Gro, and harvesting tomatoes when they become ripe. I’ve been super impressed!