It has been the depth of Pittsburgh winter her recently with snow on the ground for several weeks in a row and weather in the teens. Since it rained and then froze, everything is icy too. Yesterday I spent a good hour shoveling the sidewalk and cars to scrape the ice off of everything. Today dawned cold but sunny and the whole day has been super sunny. The greenhouse has been an incredible joy with the warmth of the sun with the cool air as the vents let in a refreshing breeze. I even threw a pillow on the ground and took a snooze amidst the plants. I’m hopeful that the plants can be starting to recover as we get more sunny days and start edging our way towards March, where it really does start getting quite a bit more sunny. I thought it would be worth highlighting one of the plants in the greenhouse that has done the best over the years, consistently doing well: the purple queen. It’s surprisingly immune to almost anything and just keeps trucking and being awesomely purple. It gets a bit leggy and needs some pruning but just wanted to say congrats purple queen, you doin’ great!