After 4 hours of working on it, I finally got my Ubuntu linux to load Hamachi on bootup, auto log me in, and then connect to my Synergy network. For my own benefit, I am going to document how I accomplished this:
briancbecker@bcb-hpdino:~$ sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom
and then add the following under the daemon section:
[daemon] AutomaticLoginEnable=true AutomaticLogin=briancbecker TimedLoginEnable=true TimedLogin=briancbecker TimedLoginDelay=1
Where briancbecker is the user you want to auto login. As for Hamachi, I’m assuming you got it installed, setup, connected to the network, etc. To start hamachi on bootup, you will have needed to edit your sudoer’s file like:
briancbecker@bcb-hpdino:~$ export EDITOR=nano && sudo visudo
and add the following line at the end of the file
briancbecker ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/tuncfg
(replacing briancbecker with your name again)
Now you can execute tuncfg (part of the Hamachi package) without having to enter your sudo password. I also assume you’ve gotten synergy set up as well. To make all this stuff start at log in, add these lines:
# Start Hamachi and then Synergy sudo /sbin/tuncfg /usr/bin/hamachi stop /usr/bin/hamachi start /usr/bin/hamachi go-online BCBAPT /usr/bin/synergyc
BCBAPT is the Hamachi network you want to join on bootup and the is the Hamachi IP (or static IP if you prefer) of the synergy server. These lines go in:
briancbecker@bcb-hpdino:~$ sudo nano /etc/gdm/Init/Default
before the line:
briancbecker@bcb-hpdino:~$ sudo nano /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default
before the line:
XSETROOT=`gdmwhich xsetroot`
And there you have it. Hamachi should start up, GDM should auto log you into your Linux box, and then synergy should connect to your Hamachi server. Works for me under Xubuntu 6.06 running IceWM.